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A Message From 2011 RPAC Chair, John Lesniewski

PGCAR and RPAC played a valuable role in the 2010 elections. Through the Association's Political Tracking Task Force, candidates for County Executive and the Prince George's County Council were interviewed. The interviews concentrated on our public policy agenda, promoting homeownership and protection of private property rights, as well as other issues that have an impact on real estate and the real estate practitioner.

After careful deliberation, the Task Force recommended RPAC support for a number of incumbents and candidates. I am pleased to report that PGCAR did well in this endeavor, supporting the winning candidate in the County Executive race, Rushern Baker, and winning six of the seven County Council races where we supported a candidate.

RPAC supports local, state and national candidates who support REALTOR® Issues. These are our legislator friends who comprise the "REALTOR® Party." The need to invest in electing members of the "REALTOR® Party" to our County Council, our General Assembly, and Congress is essential.

Our influence can only be as strong as the relationships we build with our elected officials. These relationships pave the road to our political success. RPAC provides the opportunity to enhance our relationships with existing politicians (our REALTOR® Party Friends) and a chance to build relationships with newly elected officials, hopefully securing their membership in the "REALTOR® Party."
Through RPAC, REALTORS® have seen solid victories in recent years:   
  • Passed legislation (NSP & My HOME) creating down payment and closing cost assistance
  • Halted collection of tax on forgiven debt in a short sale transaction
  • Opposed a decrease in the homestead property tax exemption
  • Expanded the posting times for open house directional signs
  • Passed the $8,000 federal tax credit for first time homebuyers
  • Defeated legislation that would have taxed your commissions

RPAC does NOT BUY VOTES. RPAC supports positions, NOT parties. RPAC is bipartisan, supporting political candidates who value protecting real estate transactions, homeownership and property rights. Your voluntary contribution... $10, $35, $99, or more helps in this necessary endeavor.

On Tuesday April 12, the Prince George's County Association of REALTORS® and RPAC are hosting its annual RPAC Fundraising Event. This year's event will feature a Hawaiian theme, Texas Hold'em, silent auction and more. Please join us at this event and contribute to RPAC at the same time.
And remember, if real estate is your profession, politics is your business!
Thank You.
John Lesniewski
NOTE: Contributions are for RPAC which is not deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes, charitable or otherwise: Contributions to RPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes to support state, local and federal candidates and are charged against your limits under 2USC441A. Nothing should be construed as solicitations of contributions.
Prince George's County Association of REALTORS®
8400 Corporate Drive  :  Suite 225 : Landover MD 20785
Phone 301-306-7900  :  Fax 301-306-8273  :  :  ©2011 PGCAR

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