County REALTORS® Award $10,000 in Scholarships
to High School Seniors

David Maclin Memorial Scholarship Fun The Prince George's County Association of REALTORS® (PGCAR), the county's leading advocate for real estate and private property rights, presented four Prince George's County high school seniors with $2,500 college scholarships through the Association's David Maclin Memorial Scholarship Fund.

The Fund and its accompanying "Fun Run" are one of the Association's premiere community service endeavors. In honor of the late REALTOR® David Maclin's contributions to Prince George's County, the fund recognizes a student's commitment to community service, based on the theme "How I Made A Difference In My Community."

"Community service plays an important role in building neighborhoods. These young people have demonstrated community spirit. For that, REALTORS® are excited to help them attain their future goals," said PGCAR President, Desiree Callender.

"Seeing these high school students prepare for college with the assistance of the scholarship makes me so proud," commented Juanita Maclin, the Co-Chair of the Scholarship Committee and the wife of the deceased, David Maclin.

Those receiving 2015 scholarships are:
  • Amber Nicole Braswell of the Academy of Health Sciences at PGCC in Largo, is planning to attend Towson University.
  • Milan Turia Brown of Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt, is planning to attend Howard University.
  • Tarck Mitchell of Charles Herbert Flowers High School in Springdale, is planning to attend Bowie State University.
  • Armani Breahn Tinnin of Charles Herbert Flowers High School in Springdale, is planning to attend the University of Maryland-Baltimore.

Thank you to the entire Maclin family, and to the Scholarship Committee members for bringing such a "good news" story to life! We also thank all Maclin Memorial Scholarship 5K participants and sponsors, and Maclin Memorial Scholarship Fund donors and volunteers!!!

Application forms for the annual scholarship are typically available in early January, and due the last day of February. During that time period, applications can be found at Prince George's County high schools and at

You may contribute to the scholarship fund, by registering for the annual 5K fundraiser or making a donation at >

PGCAR is the voice for REALTORS® in Prince George's County, Maryland. Representing more than 2,600 real estate professionals in the national capital area, PGCAR provides numerous services vital to its members' daily business needs. It also works with lawmakers to ensure public policy that encourages homeownership, promotes an environment conducive to business growth, and works to improve the communities in which its members live and work.