President's Letter - January 3, 2018
Happy New Home and New Year!

Over the last year, PGCAR purchased and undertook a complete remodel of the existing space and transitioned it into a class "A" office location in the heart of Prince George's County, at the Metro East complex at the New Carrollton Metro. Our new and larger office location allows us to add more functions for value added service to all members. Additionally, we are offering approximately 9000 square feet of rental space to qualified tenants. Should you have a contact seeking at least 2000 square feet of commercial office space, please have them contact our leasing representative, NAI Michael Company, directly at 301-459-4400.
Please keep an eye out for notice of our Grand Opening Celebration and Ribbon Cutting Celebration in the spring!!
On another note, it is with mixed feelings that we announce the departure of one of our valued employees, Education Director Scott Miller. Since joining the PGCAR team in 2005, we have all come to know and value Scott for his hard work, professionalism and commitment to our members. We wish Scott the greatest happiness and success in his future. His REALTOR® family will miss him. Scott's last day of work is Friday, February 9. We invite members to drop in and say goodbyes and to wish him a wonderful future.
CE classes will continue to be scheduled as we transition our education department.
We hope that your year is off to a great start!
Cheryl Abrams Davis, President
Prince George's County Association of REALTORS®, Inc.