Maryland REALTORS® COVID-19 Updates
Updated May 20, 2021
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new guidance for individuals who are fully vaccinated (two weeks after the final COVID vaccine dose). On May 16, 2021, the CDC posted:
Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.
For those who are not fully vaccinated, the CDC encourages these individuals to get vaccinated. In Maryland, you can visit this site to find the nearest vaccination location. Until an individual is fully vaccinated, the CDC strongly advises that all precautions remain in place, which includes wearing a mask and social distancing.
In Maryland, Governor Hogan has lifted the mask mandate, except within healthcare settings, public transportation, and schools. Per the Governor's Office, those who are fully vaccinated may feel free to resume normal activities. Businesses across the state are free to set their own policies regarding masks and other precautions. In addition, local jurisdictions may, and have, established guidelines that are different from the Administration's.
What this Means for REALTORS®
REALTORS® operating in Maryland are advised to follow CDC guidelines for fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. As always, please consult with the broker/company policy about COVID, if such a policy exists. Check to see that you are complying with your city and county guidelines, as they may differ from Maryland's.
When working with clients - vaccinated and unvaccinated - REALTORS® are encouraged to follow the mask guidelines.
- When working with Sellers, this means continuing the use of masks and social distancing during open houses.
- When working with Buyers, it means continuing to wear masks wherever a client engagement is held, whether in a car, at a showing, or in your office.
- If you and your client(s) are fully vaccinated, with everyone's consent, you may remove your masks in settings where there are no unvaccinated people present.
REALTORS® should exercise appropriate caution given the sometimes contradictory federal, state, and local laws and personal preferences of clients. Currently, when dealing with the public, it's impossible to know whether someone is vaccinated or unvaccinated. As the population of fully vaccinated Marylanders grows, the conflicting directions will decrease, easing our transition back to "normal."
As always, consult with your broker to ensure your practices are consistent with company policy.
Maryland REALTORS® will continue to provide updates on the Maryland REALTORS® website and through social media as we get new information.
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