Recent Changes to the REALTORS® Code of Ethics
Below, you will find the most recent updates to the Code of Ethics, but please take the time to review the entire REALTOR® Code of Ethics, or view each update individually by clicking the paragraph titles below.
Revised and added text is noted in italics. Strikeouts indicate deletions.
2025 Changes to the Code of Ethics
Revised Article 4
REALTORS® shall not acquire an interest in or buy or present offers from themselves, any member of their immediate families, their firms or any member thereof, or any entities in which they have any ownership interest, any real property without making their true position known to the owner or the owner's agent or broker. In selling property they own, or in which they have any interest, REALTORS® shall reveal their ownership or interest in writing to the purchaser or the purchaser's representative. (Amended 1/00)
REALTORS® who have a present ownership interest in property for sale or lease, or contemplated interest to purchase or lease property, must disclose in writing the existence of such interest to all parties to the transaction prior to a party signing any agreement. (Amended 1/25)
Revised Standard of Practice 4-1
For the protection of all parties, the disclosures required by Article 4 shall be in writing and provided by REALTORS® prior to the signing of any contract. (Adopted 2/86)
The present ownership interest in property for sale or lease, or contemplated interest to purchase or lease property, includes transactions in which REALTORS®:
- represent themselves
- represent a member of their immediate family
- represent their firm or any broker or agent thereof
- represent an entity in which the REALTOR® or member of their immediate family has a legal interest. (Adopted 2/86, Amended 1/25)
NEW Standard of Practice 4-2
REALTORS® are not required to disclose the identity of the client or customer, nor the specific nature of the interest referred to in Article 4, but must disclose that an interest exists. (Adopted 1/25)Revised Standard of Practice 11-2
The obligations of the Code of Ethics in respect of real estate disciplines other than appraisal shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with the standards of competence and practice which clients and the public reasonably require to protect their rights and interests considering the complexity of the transaction, the availability of expert assistance, and, where the REALTOR® is an agent or subagent, the obligations of a fiduciary or the applicable agency duties required by law. (Adopted 1/95 Amended 1/25)