Advertising Deadline MARCH 12, 2025: Awards Program for 2024 Production
Advertise in the Awards Program!
Final deadline to receive your print ad and payment is midnight March 12.
The Awards program will be distributed to each awardee of the 2024 Production Awards and to each attendee of the event (typically between 400-700 attendees). It will be a treasured keepsake for years to come! The program will list more than 100 PGCAR members and REALTOR® office teams being recognized for their sales performance achievements.
Advertising in the program is expected to be compatible with the “spirit" of the event which is congratulatory only and recognition of accomplishments. Program advertising should not appear or give the impression of licensee recruiting/solicitation or brokerage competitiveness. Brokerage comparison of sales volume or any other statistic indicating brokerage competition is not permitted. Company/brokerage contact information and special recognition of brokerage awardees is permitted. All ads are subject to audit. PGCAR has the right to accept or deny any content.
Advertising Size Choices:- Full Page = 8.5 X 11 inches (vertical layout, 8.75 x 11.25 with BLEED)
- Half Page = 8.5 X 5.5 inches (horizontal layout, 8.75 x 5.75 with BLEED)
- Quarter Page = 4.25 X 5.5 inches (vertical layout, 4.5 x 5.75 with BLEED)
- Acceptable file formats (tiff, jpeg, PDF, etc.)
- All ads should have a minimum 0.25 inch margin on all sides. For ads with images, graphics or colors that "BLEED" (extend to the edge), please include at least 0.25" of BLEED on the outside edges as well.
Help support and congratulate PGCAR's many accomplished REALTORS® and teams, in residential and commercial sales, with your ad.